1. About Us

  2. Window of CI

  3. Programs for children

  4. Programs for adults

  5. Special event

  6. Community Service

  7. Photos of the school

  8. Maine Schools with Chinese program

  9. Information

  10. 留学旅游服务

  11. Contact us

  12. Homepage

Window of the Confucius Institute
5 Woodview Drive, Bangor, ME 04401; 207-990-0710; jingzhang@bangorchinese.com

2022 Visit Schools

1. Visit Mile Elementary School on February 10, 2022

2. Visit Schools in Caribou, Maine on May 6, 2022

3. Visit School in Veazie, Maine on November 22, 2022

a. Watch some great performances

b. Making Dragon

c. Why Dragon is so powerful?

d. Introduce China

e. Student Playing

f. Parade within the school

g. Goodbye