---Language & Cultural Center
A nonprofit organization
5 Woodview Drive, Bangor, ME 04401; 207-990-0710;


China Higher Education Scholarship

1. About the program:

China’s Higher Education Scholarship (CHES) is the only such program in the New England area
that provides the opportunity for young people who want to pursue their higher education at
China’s universities. Not only are tuition, housing, and medical insurance all covered, but also
a substantial stipend will be provided to the scholars. Before the global pandemic, the program
had successfully served more than 20 scholars New England wide. They graduated from Tsinghua
University, Beijing University, Zhejiang University, Yunnan University, Hainan University and
Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor, Master or PhD degree. We are excited to continue
to provide the opportunity to those who want to be bilingual leaders and professionals in education,
business, politics and technologies, and to improve the relations of America/China worldwide. Because
we believe:

The spaces are very limited, and the first come first serve will be followed, so if you are interested
in the program you may please register it online as soon as you can.

2. For qualifications and program details, please visit the link for program brochure.

3. Word from previous scholar:

“I proudly obtained my master’s degree from Zhejiang University during a global pandemic (September, 2019 - July,
2022) through CLCCM/BCS’s help with their China Higher Education Scholarship (CHES). This is an excellent program;
I benefitted a lot from it in terms of higher education, Chinese language, and self development. In the picture
above, I showed my diploma to Ambassador Ping Huang when he visited Maine in February 2023.” - Nathan Rockwood.

4. Some China Universities' photos:

Application deadline is January 2, 2024.      Apply now