NSLI-Y Travel and Study in China Scholarships

Pictures from China            Oversea Contact Information Sheet            Final Lists of the Scholarship            Frequently Asked Questions
  1. About Us

  2. Programs for children

  3. Programs for adults

  4. Special event

  5. Community Service

  6. Photos of the school

  7. Maine Schools with Chinese program

  8. Information

  9. 留学旅游服务

  10. Contact us

About NSLI-Y:

National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) is part of a multi-agency US government language initiative. The purpose of the program is to prepare American citizens to be leaders in a global world. It is essential that Americans have the necessary linguistic skills and cultural knowledge to promote international dialogues, support American engagement abroad, and attain better understanding of global cultures and issues.

The Chinese Language and Culture Center of Maine (CLCCM) through NSLI-Y and American Councils provides merit-based scholarships for eligible Maine high school students to learn Chinese language and culture in China in the summer 2011. NSLI-Y and CLCCM encourage beginning, intermediate, and advanced language learners with a passion for learning languages, communicating across cultures, and living abroad to apply. Previous language study is not a requirement and all levels of language ability are encouraged to apply.

July 17-August 28, 2011

Beijing, Harbin, Xi'an, Huangshi, and Shanghai, China

How many?
Twenty (20) eligible Maine high school students

Eligibility Requirements:

• US Citizen
• 15 - 18.5 years old at start of program
• Currently enrolled in high school at time of application
• Minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale
• Although previous language study is not a requirement, pre-departure intensive language trainng needed.

What does the scholarship offer?

NSLI-Y/CLCCM scholarships provide recipients with a travel and study Chinese language and culture opportunity in China. It is administered by CLCCM.
It includes:
• Pre-departure orientation
• In-country orientation and support
• In-country language and cultural instruction with opportunities to apply acquired skills and knowledge
• Cultural excursions
• Community service projects
• Accommodations, with a host family or a host organization
• Alumni activities, including access to the U.S. Department of State's State Alumni online community

What costs are covered by the NSLI-Y scholarships?

The costs covered by the scholarship are:
• Round-trip international travel between Bangor and China, and in-country travel
• Tuition and academic materials and preparation in China
• In-country support
• Cultural activities
• Pre-departure and re-entry orientations
• Room and board
• Secondary medical benefits
• Visas

What costs are not covered by the NSLI-Y scholarships?

The following costs are not covered:
• Costs associated with obtaining a U.S. passport
• Required medical examinations and immunizations
• Extra pocket money while on program
• Pre-departure language preparation

Application Deadline:

April 5, 2011
Application Form

Contact information:

Phone: 207-990-0710
Fax: 207-990-5158
Email: jingzhang@bangorchinese.com
Address: NSLI-Y/Scholarship, 53 Cumberland Street, Bangor, ME 04401